El Celler de Can Roca – a review

El-Cellar-de-can-Roca-amuse(2.1)As I mentioned in Wednesday’s post about Barcelona (here), over a year ago I diligently sat up to book at table at San Pelligrino and Acqua Panna’s Number One Restaurant in the World, El Celler de Can Roca. It was a case of third time lucky (as I had tried a couple of times before) and scored the boy and I a table a deux. Then it was just a case of waiting to see what all the fuss was about. Continue reading

A brief but brilliant weekend in Barcelona

Barcelona-view-Sagrada-FamiliiaA weekend or so ago we spent a couple of days in Barcelona. The primary reason for our visit was that finally our reservation at El Celler de Can Roca which we had had to book 13 months in advance (yes an entire year!!) was upon us. But it was also a great excuse to spend some time in a city I’d been longing to return to since my first trip a decade ago. but more on that on Wednesday.
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