Colombia Part One – the Capital and Caribbean chilling

Colombia-flight-to-ProvidenciaA little while a go I ignored all the naysayers who write Colombia off as dangerous and only for those who are into their hard partying and set out with some girlfriends to discover Colombia’s other side. I am so glad that I did…Colombia quickly proved itself to be one of the best countries I have ever visited. Not only was there so much to see and do (and no none of it was white and powdery…except maybe the pristine sand on the beaches) but the people were so kind, friendly and enthusiastic and not once did I feel unsafe.

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Dubai – top ten things to do


If, like me, you crave sunshine in the winter then Dubai is the perfect spot…only a seven hour flight from London and you arrive in the shiny, perpetually sunny metropolis that is Dubai. And, as well as soaking up that vitamin D, there are loads of ways to while away your time – my top ten (in no particular order) are…

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